Whether you're looking to streamline your communication, automate your marketing, or improve your customer support, there's a monday.com integration that can help. Here are 13 of the best monday.com integrations to supercharge your workflow.
Keep your team communication centralized and organized by connecting Slack with monday.com. Share updates, files, and notifications seamlessly between the two platforms.
Install Slack via the monday.com marketplace.
Bring your team chat and video conferencing into monday.com with the Microsoft Teams integration. Collaborate on tasks, share updates, and stay connected without leaving your workspace.
Install Microsoft Teams via the monday.com marketplace.
Convert emails into action items and keep your inbox organized by integrating Gmail with monday.com. Automatically create tasks, update statuses, and attach emails to relevant projects.
Install Gmail via the monday.com marketplace.
Manage your email marketing campaigns directly from monday.com. Track campaign performance, segment your audience, and automate email workflows to nurture leads and drive conversions.
Install Mailchimp via the monday.com marketplace.
Create, manage, and track your Facebook ad campaigns within monday.com. Monitor ad performance, optimize your campaigns, and get a clear overview of your results.
Install Facebook Ads via the monday.com marketplace.
Streamline your customer support process by integrating Zendesk with monday.com. Manage tickets, track customer interactions, and collaborate with your team to resolve issues efficiently.
Install Zendesk via the monday.com marketplace.
Connect your development workflow with your project management in monday.com by integrating with Jira. Track issues, manage sprints, and ensure seamless collaboration between development and other teams.
Install Jira via the monday.com marketplace.
If your team uses both Asana and monday.com, this integration allows for seamless collaboration and task management across both platforms.
Install Asana via the monday.com marketplace.
Bring your Trello boards into monday.com to centralize your project management and keep all your tasks and projects organized in one place.
Install Trello via the monday.com marketplace.
Easily attach, share, and preview files stored in Dropbox from within monday.com. Keep your creative assets organized and accessible to your team.
Install Dropbox via the monday.com marketplace.
Access, attach, and preview any file stored in Google Drive directly within your monday.com tasks.
Install Google Drive via the monday.com marketplace.
Similar to Dropbox and Google Drive, this integration allows you to attach and manage files from OneDrive within monday.com seamlessly.
Install OneDrive via the monday.com marketplace.
Streamline your creative review and approval process with GoProof's online proofing software. Gather feedback, track revisions, and get approvals faster, all without leaving monday.com.
Install GoProof via the monday.com marketplace.
Integrating monday.com with other tools can streamline your workflow, improve collaboration, automate tasks, and centralize your work. This can save you and your team time and effort, reduce errors, and help you achieve your goals more efficiently.
Integrating apps with monday.com is typically a simple process. Most integrations can be set up with just a few clicks through the monday.com app marketplace, where guides are supplied or inks to developer websites. You'll usually need to connect your accounts and authorize the integration.
Many monday.com integrations are free, while others require a paid subscription. The pricing for paid integrations varies depending on the app and the features offered.